Guidelines for Submission

  • Good Faith
    Engage in responsible behavior that avoids data theft, degradation of services, or unauthorized access.
  • Non-Disruptive Testing
    Do not compromise the experience of users. Avoid tests that may lead to service disruption.
  • Non-Disclosure
    Do not publicly disclose vulnerabilities before we have had the opportunity to investigate and mitigate them.

Recognition and Rewards

  • Acknowledgment
    Inclusion in our Hall of Fame.
  • Swag
    Exclusive Foqal merchandise for selected submissions.
  • Monetary Rewards (Future)
    Eligible vulnerabilities can receive financial compensation based on severity and impact.

Questions? (Not Vulnerability Submissions)

Have questions about the Vulnerability Disclosure Program? We are always happy to help. Please fill out the form below and let us know what we can help you with.