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Take 2: Strategies for Engaging and Retaining Members in Slack Communities

Kevin Cox
This article is a guest post written by
Kevin Cox
, an independent author. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not reflect those of Foqal. Foqal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or validity of any information contained within this article and is not liable for any reliance on the content. For any queries related to this article, please contact the author directly.

The San Francisco Slack User Community meets every quarter. At our June event “Slack-powered Communities,” I had the pleasure of organizing an event that brought together various community managers and experts to discuss strategies for managing and growing Slack communities. Hosted by Jeremy Gluckman at Dovetail, the event featured a panel of distinguished speakers: DeMario Bell from Culture Amp, Brian Lee from Pavilion, Stephen Cook from Tightknit, Jeremie Gluckman from Dovetail, and Veronica Sandoval Guerrero from Slack. This is the 2nd half of their conversation on insights on optimizing Slack for large communities, engaging and retaining members, and overcoming common challenges.

Importance of Onboarding

Effective onboarding was a key topic. It was emphasized that the first 90 days are crucial for making a lasting impression. A personalized onboarding process that includes touchpoints and connections with local chapter heads ensures new members feel welcomed and supported, helping them quickly find their place within the community and understand the resources available.

The value of structured onboarding workflows was also highlighted. Automated workflows are used to introduce new members to the community's values and norms, ensuring everyone starts on the same page. Clear instructions and expectations help new members integrate smoothly, reducing initial confusion.

Creating Consistent Engagement

Maintaining engagement over time requires consistent effort. The need for regular rituals and events was stressed, with the suggestion that a steady cadence of activities, such as weekly check-ins and monthly events, helps set expectations and keeps members involved. These regular touchpoints provide opportunities for members to interact and stay connected.

An experience was shared where tagging members in conversations can boost engagement. By tagging relevant members in discussions, their expertise is highlighted, and participation is encouraged. This approach fosters engagement and recognizes members' contributions.

Leveraging Technology for Engagement

Technology can significantly enhance engagement. Tools like Poly are used for ongoing feedback, collecting anonymous input from members regularly. This helps community managers understand needs and make necessary adjustments.

The potential of AI in personalizing the community experience was also discussed. AI can provide personalized recommendations and content to members, enhancing engagement and satisfaction. However, a note of caution was made about over-reliance on automation, emphasizing the importance of human interaction in building meaningful connections.

Key Takeaways

Engaging and retaining members in Slack communities requires a combination of thoughtful onboarding, consistent engagement activities, and strategic use of technology. By creating a welcoming environment, regularly interacting with members, and leveraging feedback and AI tools, community managers can foster vibrant, active communities that provide lasting value to their members.

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